Energising encounters

Stories that fuel our community.

Notes from Origin: Colombia, September 2019

Notes from Origin: Colombia, September 2019

People should enjoy coffee with friends.  At Workshop, we always take a moment together to appreciate coffee grown halfway around the world by the producers we work with; made all the...

Fresh Crops: Four from Colombia

Regardless of the earlier glories of a particular coffee, if the green coffee itself is past-crop, so from a previous harvest and generally a year or so off the tree, nothing will...

Fresh Crops: Four from Colombia

Regardless of the earlier glories of a particular coffee, if the green coffee itself is past-crop, so from a previous harvest and generally a year or so off the tree, nothing will...

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Sourcing: Huila, Colombia

I still haven’t made it South of the Equator in my life but I got pretty close this time. A trip to the Huila region of Colombia for two weeks, organised by...

Sourcing: Huila, Colombia

I still haven’t made it South of the Equator in my life but I got pretty close this time. A trip to the Huila region of Colombia for two weeks, organised by...

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