If you've been enjoying our Santa Clara Microlot (or the espresso version) from the Antigua Valley, Guatemala, we strongly suggest that you head over to Eileen P. Kenny's always excellent 'Birds of Unusual Vitality' blog, to learn a little more about the man behind Santa Clara, and a number of other great farms in Guatemala, Ricardo Zelaya.

“The challenge is to keep up quality, try to improve always, and get the right buyers for each of your coffees and the quality that you produce. Then, hopefully, you’ll get a price back that will make you sustainable and make it profitable for you to keep going with your business.”
As Ricardo outlines, “You just can’t try to save money in key parts of your farming or process… producing quality coffee is a lot more expensive, because you have to be more careful, and you have to maintain the quality and the name that you’ve built after many years of work.”
We're very proud to be roasting and serving coffee from Ricardo for the first time, and look forward to opportunities to continue to work with him and the number of farms that he helps run.
Birds of UV - Ricardo Zelaya: http://cargocollective.com/birdsofuv/Ricardo-Zelaya